Eclipse Strength of Atlas
(28.02.2002 – 16.11.2015)

OFA hips / elbows / cardiac / thyreoid / MDR 1 / DM / Dentition / EPI / DNA / CHIC

Most titled WGSD  of all time (133 Show wins, exams & awards)
+ ranked in the UKC TOP 10 for 10 consecutive years

GG-grandsire to our Ruby,
Thanks for passing on your outstanding movement

atlas2 atlas

RN :: RL1 :: RL1X :: ASCA RN :: TN-N :: CSL1-HS :: WAX ::
WVDX :: WROM :: OV :: TC :: TT :: CGCA :: TDI

Hope that the Karsjens family finds comfort in the fact
that he will live on in his progeny