Snowfire Gems Shepherds » 2022 » August







Monatsarchiv für August 2022


Geschrieben am 27. August 2022 | Abgelegt unter Activities, Ausflüge

… so kann man die heutige Sommerprüfung kurz und bündig beschreiben oder mit anderen Worten: es war definitiv nicht unser Tag! Bestanden ist aber Bestanden, Joghurt ging wieder Mal an die Hunde und zufrieden bin ich unterm Strich trotzdem.

Saphir hat sich ein neues AKZ erarbeitet und wir konnten bis heute einen Fehler (r)ausarbeiten:

Am letzten März Wochenende hab ich das erste Mal einen Stöberhund beim Arbeiten zugesehen und dachte das wäre ganz lustig – Saphir fand das dann auch … insbesondere meinen ungeschickten Trainingsstart ;-) Kurzum: mein Versuch resultierte darin, dass Saphir die Gegenstände apportieren wollte!

Einmal falsch gezeigt, war sie dann felsenfest überzeugt, dass das Bringen korrekt sei. Mit grossem Fragezeichen auf der Stirn hätte ich schliesslich fast das Handtuch geworfen.

Zum Glück gab ich uns eine letzte Chance, vor allem weil Saphir das Stöbern eigentlich unglaublichen Spass bereitet. Fehler wurde behoben, bei der Prüfung sind dann ganz andere Dinge nicht nach Plan gelaufen. Mit 75 Punkten besteht nicht nur sie ihre erste StPr, nein auch für mich war es die Erste mit vielen Aha-Effekten und Trainingstipps.

Das nächste Mal läuft dann einfach von vornherein alles ein wenig besser! Immerhin müssen wir nicht mehr nach England auswandern (wo das Apportieren der Gegenstände sogar gefordert wird)!

Violane ist zur Auflockerung wieder in der RO Beginner gestartet … 89 Punkte aufgrund einer Wiederholung die mir geschuldet ist (statt einer Spirale bin ich in den Slalom gestartet). Erneut habe ich also Violane das „V“ gekostet.

Vielen Dank dem ÖRV Persenbeug fürs Organisieren der Sommerprüfung und der Möglichkeit an dieser tollen Veranstaltung teilzunehmen und dem LR Werner Geist fürs faire Richten.

Zur Belohnung & Abkühlung ging es dann in die Ysperklamm! Alle weiteren Fotos von diesem und weiteren Hikings werden wir demnächst einmal gesammelt hochladen. Beiträge gibt es heuer leider dazu so gut wie keine auf unserem Blog, weil es sich einfach zeitlich nicht ausgeht.

Heading toward new roads with our first start in Article Search Trials. Saphir mastered it, however totally new experiences for both of us. Violane joined us for another fun start in Rally obedience.

Not in my bloodlines

Geschrieben am 24. August 2022 | Abgelegt unter Zucht / Breeding

Mit Erlaubnis der Verfasserin Linda Johansson (Züchterin des Kennels Erövrarens in Schweden) darf ich nachfolgenden Artikel übernehmen, da er genau jenes wiedergibt, was ich selbst ebenso verfolge.

Herzlichen Dank dafür, Linda!


Not in my bloodlines anyway ….

Anyone heard that before? I’ve said it myself, and heard it said by many breeders over the years. Why have I said it before and why am I not saying it now? Well, because I got off my high horse and realized I didn’t know enough about genetics.

Today, many of our breeds have a very high degree of genetic inbreeding, within many breeds the dogs are so closely related that based on their DNA they are more or less siblings, or even more closely related than that. It is not visible on the pedigree because the pedigree calculates the inbreeding in 5 generations and the calculator starts at 0, i.e. it is assumed that everyone beyond 5 generations is unrelated.

Take my last litter as an example, where the pedigree says the inbreeding rate is 0%, the puppies‘ genes on the other hand show that they are at an average of 26% genetic inbreeding rate.

Somewhat despairing that I bred dogs with such a high inbreeding rate, I start mapping the breed, for example I mapped out all litters born in 2020 (in Sweden) for 14 generations and discovered that all dogs have about 5 individuals that appear at least 475 times, often more. In my litter, which according to the pedigree has 0% inbreeding, one of those five individuals appears 888 times in 14 generations.

If this individual appears 888 times in my puppies‘ pedigree, and 747 times in another breeder’s pedigree, where does „my bloodline“ begin and end, and what makes the difference?

Just because the inbreeding is not visible on the pedigree does not mean that the genes stop being inherited. Exactly every breeder worldwide within my breed has exactly the same founders, the DNA of those founders are repeated in exactly every litter, over and over again.

No new genes have been added since my breed (White Swiss Shepherd) was separated from another breed (the German Shepherd), so what occurs within the German Shepherd occurs within the White Shepherd, unless some genes have mutated, but this happens very rarely. So where does my bloodline start?

If I see a White Swiss Shepherd or a German Shepherd with a genetic defect that is autosomal recessive, i.e., both parents have carried a defective trait, how can I than say that it does not occur in my bloodlines when they are all genetic littermates? Sure, there are DNA tests for a few diseases, but think of all the defective genes for which there is no DNA test? Think of all the defects that we don’t really know how they are inherited, or the defects that are inherited if a certain symbiosis between a number of genes occurs. Of our domestic dogs‘ known genetic defects, almost 800, 82% of them are inherited by both parents carrying a defective disposition which is then found in the offspring.

So, my advice is, the next time you hear someone say „not in my bloodlines anyway „, measure the height of the withers of the horse that the person saying it is sitting on. The higher the height at the withers, the greater the doubt about insight into genetics.

Do you have a breed that does not have a high genetic inbreeding rate, for example where the studbook is open or where the breed was formed by an enormous number of founders and the inbreeding rate has not yet become that high (because inbreeding always rises within a closed population) – count yourself lucky and try to preserve as much genetic variation as possible as this is the only possibility to counteract autosomal recessively inherited defects.

Personally, I can brag that there is, for example, no epilepsy in „my bloodlines“ (if I want to engage in self-deception, that is) – the correct statement would be: I have been extremely lucky and have not had a dog with epilepsy in my breeding yet .

Or take a common defect – somewhere between 25-30 % of all white shepherds suffer from some kind of skin condition (allergy/eczema/etc.), (would guess it’s about the same in the German Shepherd), but no matter who you ask, you’ll get any answer other than: „It’s because of inbreeding and that there was a defect in the founder population.“

You will be told that it is because of the wrong food, or because the dog did not get enough rest, or because of environmental pollution, or because the dog is simply scratching because it is bored and well, you will hear – “not in my bloodlines anyway „…if, against all odds, an allergy came into the breeding of the rider of the high horse, it is because he/she borrowed a male and were told lies about him of course. Everyone knows that…

Of course, there are both the heredity and environment to consider in many cases of disease, but it is not an unfortunate coincidence that a dog starts scratching, it is not an unfortunate coincidence that 50% of all Boxers get cancer, it is not an unfortunate coincidence that Dobermanns die of heart failure, it is not an unfortunate coincidence that it is more common for a Rottweiler to die of cancer than old age, it is not an unfortunate coincidence that about 10% of all Bull Terriers actually live long enough to die of old age.

The answer lies for the most part in the genes and how inbred these are, even in „your bloodline“ however spotless it may be.

Once one realizes that – the next cold shower hits you – there is absolutely nothing you can do to improve it in a closed stud book, (other than hoping and praying to whatever higher power you put your trust in.)

Thank you for reading my post. Now I’m going to slowly ride away on my little Falabella, into the sunset I go.



Geschrieben am 15. August 2022 | Abgelegt unter Activities, Fortbildungen & Öffis

Mangels Gelände konnten wir in den letzten Wochen keine Fährten, bestenfalls noch kurze Abgänge oder vereinzelt Winkel und Gegenstände verweisen üben. Daher war die Freude riesig über unser verlängertes Camping-Wochenende mit ausreichend Gelände im Gesäuse.

Vielen Dank an Tamara Schafar und dem Team vom SVÖ Weyer für ein schnupperbares … ähm … wunderbares Wochenende mit exzellenter Verpflegung!

Had some great days with tracking & Article Search together with Tamara Schafar and her team in Upper Austria.

Kopfüber eingetaucht

Geschrieben am 12. August 2022 | Abgelegt unter Ausflüge, Monats(p)foto

Monats(p)foto August

Pic of the month

Foto del mese

Ja, leider … da liegt ein toter Fisch

Kamera: EOS 7D Mark II

Ort: Weyer